CITY Environment, SOUTH DOWNS & THE SEA Committee
This Committee is responsible for the council’s functions relating to waste, parks and open spaces, environmental health, coast protection and trading standards.
1. Parks and Open Spaces
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to parks and open spaces to the following extent:-
(a) provision, management and control of parks and open spaces (except those held for housing purposes);
(b) making countryside management arrangements in liaison with the South Downs National Park Authority and other environmental bodies;
(c) provision, management and control of allotments and smallholdings;
(d) as commons registration authority.
2. Environmental Health
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to environmental health, air and water pollution control, health and safety at work (except in so far as it relates to the Council as an employer), public conveniences, food safety, control of nuisances, including noise control and control of dogs.
3. Trading Standards
To exercise the Council’s functions regarding trading standards, including but not limited to consumer protection, product safety, fair trading, metrology, food standards and animal health.
4. Waste
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to waste and as waste collection authority, waste disposal authority and litter authority, including dealing with litter, street cleansing, abandoned vehicles and dog fouling.
5. Water environment
To lead on the Council’s community leadership, advocacy and partnership roles in relation to the protection and enhancement of the water environment.
6. Coast Protection and Flood Defence
To exercise the Council’s functions as a coast protection authority and a lead local flood authority.
7. Scrutiny of Flood and Coastal Erosion Plans
To undertake the scrutiny of flood and coastal erosion plans as required by the Localism Act 2011.
8. Bereavement and Coroner’s Services
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to bereavement services and the Coroner’s service.
9. Public Space
To exercise the council’s functions regarding spaces to which the public have rights of access and consisting of the highway, street furniture on the highway and open spaces or parts of open spaces immediately adjacent to the highway to which the public have access.
1. Traffic Management and Transport
(a) To manage the provision of transport services for service departments including home-school transport and transport for social services;
(b) To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to traffic management and transport and as traffic authority, including but not limited to public passenger transport, the co-ordination of transport for service users and external partnerships connected to public passenger transport;
(c) To consider and make decisions on rights of way issues where objections have been received and not withdrawn or otherwise resolved;
(d) To consider and make decisions on proposed traffic regulation orders where either six or more objections have been received in and have not been resolved or one or more members have opted to ‘call in’ any proposal to make a traffic regulation order, whether or not any objection(s) have been received in.
(e) To exercise the Council’s powers regarding travel concessions.
2. Parking
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to parking, including on and off street parking and civil parking enforcement.
3. Highways Management
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to all highways matters and as highway authority, street authority, bridge authority, including but not limited to highways, bridges, private streets and rights of way.
4. Sustainability
To co-ordinate the Council’s role and response to cross-cutting sustainability issues such as reducing carbon emissions, projections of a changing climate locally, improving resource efficiency and developing sustainable energy.
Explanatory Note
This committee has overall responsibility for co-ordinating the Council’s approach to equalities, communities and the third sector, including all matters relating to community safety and inclusion. The Committee discharges its functions by either making decisions itself or, as necessary, making recommendations to the most appropriate body. Some of its terms of reference overlap with other committees. Where this is the case, the relevant committees have concurrent delegations.
Delegated functions
To discharge the Council’s functions relating to equalities, community safety, neighbourhoods and community development and the third sector. The Committee exercises its functions with due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, while co-ordinating through its Prevent Board the Council’s delivery of its statutory Prevent duty imposed by the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.
1. Equalities
To discharge the Council’s functions regarding equalities, inclusion and Human Rights.
2. Community safety
To discharge the Council’s functions regarding community safety, crime and disorder and associated matters in particular where these require member-level engagement and consultation with the community.
NOTE: The committee will work in conjunction with the Brighton & Hove Community Safety Partnership and the work of the two bodies will be co-ordinated to ensure that they complement each other and avoid duplication where possible.
3. Community and voluntary sector
To develop, oversee and make decisions regarding the implementation of the Council’s Communities and Third Sector policies, investment in and support to the community and voluntary sector.
4. Crime and Disorder Committee
To be the designated Crime and Disorder Committee as required under the Police and Justice Act 2006.
5. Neighbourhood and community development
To monitor and review the operation of any neighbourhood based delivery of services and make recommendations as necessary.
6. Prevent duty
a) Carrying out its functions with due regard to the statutory Prevent duty imposed by the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which requires the Council to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.
b) Monitoring risk and otherwise co-ordinating Prevent activity across the Council’s functions through the Prevent Board.
7. Active Citizenship and Community Resilience
a) To develop, oversee and make decisions regarding proposals to increase active citizenship and make recommendations to Policy & Resources Committee.
b) To develop, oversee and make decisions regarding proposals to improve community resilience and make recommendations to Policy & Resources Committee.
8. Refugee and Migrant Integration
To oversee plans and programmes of support for resettling refugees and asylum seekers, bringing communities together and ensuring people are welcome, including City of Sanctuary commitments.
9. Modern Slavery
To approve the Council’s Modern Slavery Statement
10. Libraries Service
To oversee the Council’s Libraries and information service and recommending the Libraries Plan to full Council for approval.
The Committee has responsibility for co-ordinating the Council’s approach to economic growth & regeneration, culture, tourism and leisure and planning policy.
1. Building Control
To exercise the Council’s functions regarding building control.
2. Conservation and Design
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to conservation and design including the Hove Borough Council Act 1976.
3. Culture, Arts and Heritage
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to culture, including arts, entertainment, cultural activities and heritage.
4. Economic Growth and Regeneration
(a) To exercise the Council’s functions regarding the promotion of economic growth and the establishment or development of business sectors. This includes partnerships for the purposes of advancing the local economy such as with the city’s universities.
(b) To promote and develop the economic fundamentals of Brighton & Hove in areas such as adult skills, productivity and development sites.
5. Events
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to events, including the annual programme of entertainment events (providing that if the relevant Director, or other officer with delegated powers, is of the view that the event is a major event or has corporate budgetary or policy implications the matter shall be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee).
6. Leisure, Sports and Recreation
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to the provision and management of leisure, sports and recreation facilities.
7. Museums
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to museums, art galleries, historic buildings and their gardens and the functions of the Council regarding public records.
8. Planning
To exercise the Council’s functions as the local planning authority (to the extent that they are not development control functions delegated to the Planning Committee), including the formulation and development of the Development Plan Documents prior to their adoption by Full Council.
9. Seafront for Leisure
To exercise the Council’s functions regarding leisure activities undertaken on the seafront including the esplanade, beach and foreshore.
10.Tourism & Marketing
To exercise the Council’s functions in relation to tourism, marketing and conferences.
11. Community Wealth Building and Social Value
To exercise the Council’s functions regarding the promotion of community wealth and social value including, but not limited to, the co-ordination of policies and make recommendations to the relevant Committees of the Council.